Meet Jane Franczak, PT

Throughout my 33 years as a physical therapist, I've had the good fortune of taking and helping with numerous continuing education classes. I've worked in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient clinics, home health, schools, nursing homes and teaching. I enjoy sharing my knowledge whether it is through mentoring younger therapists, teaching my patients or giving a workshop. I hope to share some of my favorite topics with you here.

Without Awareness, there is no Choice

John Barnes, PT

Knowledge is power.

Pelvic Health

Learn about topics including urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, painful intercourse, organ prolpase, diastasis rectus and strategies to lessen their effects.

Self Help

How to use stretches and treatment tools at home to enhance your healing journey.


Balance your health journey with healthy eating.

Example Curriculum

  Pelvic Health Workshops
Available in days
days after you enroll

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"This workshop was amazing!"

"It was great to understand how our bodies work!"

Jane made it easy to understand the concepts.

Myofascial Release instructors